How to warmup and choose your starting weight

In order to find your working set weights, please warm up by following these guidelines, and remember that you only have to use approximate rep max loads, so don't worry about knowing your exact rep maxes, just "in the vicinity."

Do you 30 rep max for 12 reps, rest a minute.

Do your 20 rep max for 8 reps, rest a minute.

Do your 10 rep max for 4 reps, rest a minute.

Then choose any load in the 5-30 rep range and begin the working sets, resting as much time in between each set as gets you breathing normally and feeling strong again. This is how you warm up and choose loads for the first exercise in your daily session. For all others, you can just do the set of 8 and 4, or even just the set of 4 if you already feel nice and warmed up. Any weight in between your 5 and 30 rep max technically works for all exercises, but we recommend choosing mostly weights than challenge you in the 5-10 rep range for beginners and weights in the 5-20 rep range for intermediates.

If you're advanced and know about load-specific and exercise-specific SFR, you already know what you're doing! If you'd like to use different weights for the same exercise for down sets or drop sets, just click on "duplicate exercise" in the top right hand menu of the exercise you're doing and choose your new weights. If you'd like a deeper dive with slightly different suggestions on warming up and selecting weights, give these two videos on the topic a watch:

How to warm up:

How to choose your working set weights:

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  • Hello! Noticed a typo in "Do you 30 rep max for 12 reps, rest a minute." where it's missing the 'r' in ''your''. :D

  • How would I warmup with bodyweight exercises, like Pushups and Pull ups? 


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