How long should I rest?

After every set, you should rest long enough to:

1.) No longer be breathing super heavy.

2.) Feel mentally strong and ready for another hard set.

3.) Not be crampy in a supporting muscle (like being fatigued in your lower back before another squat set, for example.)

4.) Be recovered enough in the target muscle to be able to do at least 5 reps on your next set.

So long as you’re resting long enough to check all 4 boxes, you’re resting long enough! Because some exercises make you more tired than others, the amount of rest time may differ wildly between exercises. For a small muscle exercise like the calf raise, you might only need 10 seconds to check all the boxes before your next set. For a large muscle exercise like the squat, you might need 3 or even 5 minutes of rest between sets. You can also rest longer if you like, but no shorter than what it takes to check all 4 boxes!



What about rest timers? 
Please check out this video about just that!

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