Shouldn’t I be doing more sets?/shouldn’t the weight be heavier?

The app has been programmed with an expert-system AI that makes very, very good estimates of how many sets and how much weight you need to get your best results, so feel free to trust its recommendations. As you give the app feedback every workout, its recommendations get even better and more precise to your body’s specific needs and responses. That being said, if you want to add sets or change the weight the app recommends, you can always do so.

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  • Ive noticed that beginning a new meso cycle on a 5 day schedule. Some exercises might just be for one set only.

    For example the superman meso on day 4 is Exercise 1 Cable curl - 3 sets.
    Exercise 2 Cable Tricep Pushdowns 2 sets!
    Exercise 3 Lying leg curl 1 set!
    Leg press 2 sets!

    Doesn't seem to be much in this, is it because its a new meso and it will increase in sets as I progress or am I supposed to just add more if I feel it needs it, or is it because its day 4 and systemic fatigue should be kicking in by then?

  • I have similar issue like the comment before, please answer. How come that big group of muscles such as chest, back, quads and compound movements have only one set when small muscles such as biceps and triceps are getting 3 sets?

  • Yeah idk. I have the same thing. 2 sets seems super low, no?


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